District Governor Forum

19th of September (Thursday)

10.00–10.45 Welcome by District Governor Ulla Ståhl, D2395

- The regional plan 2024–2027, Rotary International Director Suzan Stenberg

10.45–11.00 Fika

11.00–12.00 Informal discussions with Rotary International President 2024–2025 Stephanie Urchick

12.00–13.00 Lunch

13.00–14.00 Informal discussions with Trustee Frank Horng

14.00–14.45 Meeting with the Regional Leaders and staff from Rotary International

14.45–15.00 Fika

15.00–15.50 DG Forum, discussions country by country

15.50–16.00 Closing remarks

Evening activity 1.

Unofficial welcome mingle hosted by Rotary Malmö

Evening activity 2.

Major Donor Event at the Turning Torso (invitees only)